Next-Generation Sequencing

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) on Illumina instruments allows for massively parallel high-throughput sequencing. Multiple samples can be indexed (barcoded) and combined to make the most of the system's output, resulting in highly accurate and cost-effective data. The Core offers NGS on NovaSeq, NextSeq 500, and MiSeq instruments. Each instrument has flow cells and reagents that can support many types of NGS projectsSee the instruments page for details about these Illumina sequencers. 

The Bauer Core accepts samples for sequencing from within our Harvard community as well as from external clients. We also offer QC services such as TapeStation and qPCR. When we perform qPCR as a service, we guarantee to deliver at least 90% of Illumina's advertised optimal number of reads per lane/run. For details about Pre-Sequencing QC services, see here

consultation with our Core Staff will further assist you with your options, or you can request an estimate by providing your project details. Estimates are emailed to you within 1-2 business days.