Submitting Samples

Submitting Samples for Bulk Library Prep & Sequencing

  1.  Consult with us on your project before making any requests. 
  2.  Determine which bulk library preparation fits your needs. 
  3.  Download our form (select input below), fill in your sample information.
  4. Submit your form in your minilims library prep request. (under supporting documents)
    1. Note: If you have multiple files to submit, put all docs in one folder and zip it up to upload it)
  5.  Array samples by column in a semi or full-skirted 96-well plate.
  6. Place samples in a provided zip-top bag with the completed submission slip.
  7.  Log your sample drop-off on the paper log.
  8.  Place the bag into the “sequencing drop-off" submission freezer in the hall.

Note: See here if you only want sequencing services.

ngs_dna_library_service_request_form_fy24.xlsx598 KB
ngs_rna_library_service_request_form_fy24.xlsx534 KB